About Us
We take great pride in providing our customers the latest and newest in vaping industry, hence why we are the proud winners of the 2022 MENA Best Online Retailer due to your trust and support.
No matter what you are shopping for, be it vape mods, disposable devices, e-liquids or accessories, our team is ready to help you find the best products that matches your requirement. We truly want you to enjoy vaping, so we won't set you up with a device or product that won't fit your needs.
The Vapors Warehouse is your ultimate online vape shop that has been fulfilling all your vape supplies needs
Since 2016
Why Choose Us
Strong Reputation
We are a highly established business with a strong reputation in our industry and a real commitment to value and service.
Peace Of Mind
We are proud to be based in the UAE ; the home of quality and high business standards, meaning that we can offer our customers and yours, total peace of mind.
Various & Newest Collection
Huge range of flavours and products , resulting in a fantastic choice for your customers – the sky is the limit
Competitive Prices
Our prices truly reflect the quality of our products - no wonder our vape shop customers use us over and over again!
What Our Customers Say

Fauzan Deshmukh
Very friendly nature.. good hosting... special attention from staff's...

Lowell Calavera
Large selection and friendly, knowledgeable staff. They stock many hard to find juices.

John Philip Apostol
Just visited this shop coming from Western Region. Lots of juice to choose from. Ms. Ate is really nice as well. Gave us a bunch of cool freebies. Thank you!!

Muhialdeen Taoufik
Decent selection , they have niche products . They carry some "premium " juices for free base and salt nic . They have premade coils , alien coils and they have GM hand made dragon scale coils (best coils for flavour and vapor production) . However prices could be lowered slightly but overall well priced

F - Jay Barcelon
Loved the place very informative people! Will be buying next time I finished my eJuice! Absolutely recommended! Thank you!

Ahmed Soulaiman
I like this shop. They have some experienced agents. The guy who helped me explained each detail that I had to know before using my new mechanical mod for safety purposes, smoking techniques and so on. The guy even recommended the juices that I will definetly like, I never regret visiting this shop. Thanks
Free Shipping
For orders Above 300 AED (UAE ONLY)
100% Original Brand
A wide selection of premium vaping products
Multiple Payment Options
Visa, MasterCard, Tabby, COD